Optimize your company with our smart API

Fast, cheap and reliable document text recognition for Odoo.

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Scan invoices

Read and import your vendor bills at a click of button. So you can concentrate on what matters for your company. 

Powered by AI

Through deep learning we're leading in terms of speed and reliability.

API intergration

Using our API it's easy to integrate our services into your software.

Works seamlessly

With our plug and play Odoo integration in a few minutes you're ready to use Onestein's OCR functionalities.

Blazing fast

Within seconds you have your vendor bills ready to be reconciled.


Our service is more accurate than alternatives.

Works seamlessly with Odoo

Download and install our module now and see for yourself. If you don't know how to install Odoo modules you can always contact us. We're happy to help.


Concentrate on what matters

With our services you can focus on what matters: Your core business. Stop spending hours on hours entering vendor bills into your system,
let the computer do it for you.

Integrate your software

Using our API it's easy to integrate your software with our services. Implement OCR functionalities in your system without doing the hard work.


Have a question? Feel free to call or e-mail us.